Thursday 24 March 2011

Assignment 1 // Wallpaper

This set of designs was inspired by earlier experimentation with coaxial curves in confined spaces (see sketch board below). The repition of semi-circular elipses was used in a grid format, where an opposing twin was overlayed in various squences - offset and perfect mirror, to create some simple, yet effective patterns which are unique and I believe are aesthetically pleasing to view.

It took alot of experimentation and required also some experienced help to allow me to complete this set of patterns, however I believe I will be able to create more complex designs in the near future.

These are the set of 4 sketches I designed for the first assignment. The inspirations came from windy, fluid forms, supported by repetitious structure and oppositional formats. The fourth sketch (bottom right) was a bit of a wild card, which was an attempt to depict random pressure changes in tunnels, also perhaps the waves of viscious layered material of some kind - i.e liquid plastic of some kind - the background represents a cast or block for the design to be bored into.

Currently I am working on the process to combine these two designs using the coding programe "Processing" at Victoria University's Faculty of Architecture and Design
For my pattern I am going to combine these two designs to make a series of overlapping - opposing elipses to create tubular "jacks" (i.e union jack). The code will be posted on

Above these sketches will show scans of my original hand drawn inspirations which have encourgaed me to take this step in direction.
